Essays and Interviews
Teaching the Designer of Now: A New Basis for Graphic and Communication Design Education, She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, June 2020
Movable Type, Multiple Scripts, Changing Alphabets: The Fuzzy Boundaries of Turkish Typography, Feeeels Magazine, December 2019 (2MB PDF)
Let’s Teach a History of Ideas, Not the History of Individuals, AIGA Eye on Design, May 2019
Dear Design Educator: I Have Some Questions, Frontier: A Graphic Design Education Reader, Published by AIGA Design Educators Community and Montana State University, 2018 (3.2MB PDF)
#JOBS, Pervasive Labour Zine, Special Issue: The Entreprecariat, October 2017; full zine is here.
The Future of Graphic and Communication Design, Design Observer, October 2017; Excerpt from The AIGA Guide to Careers in Graphic and Communication Design, published October 2017.
The Digital Dilemma: Meaning, Environment, Counterculture, and Aesthetic, Digital Strategies in Genre-Defining Magazines, ECAL (University of Art and Design Lausanne), March 2017
Interview, The Great Discontent, February 2016
Why is so much of design school a waste of time?, Dear Design Student, November 2015
Other writings on Medium, 2015–present